Bahasa Baik
Sports types
Test to check memorization of the material covered
What is chess called in Bahasa?
How do you translate "olahraga"?
How to say the phrase "I like sports"?
How can translate the phrase: "dia melatih olahraga setiap hari"
How can translate the phrase: "olahraga baik untuk kesehatan"
Come on, try again! You'll definitely succeed!
Looks like it's time to take a break and have some coffee
Try again later! =)
But you can do better!
Remember where you made a mistake and try to say these words out loud several times.
Keep learning the language and master all the intricacies of Bahasa vocabulary!
It seems you made only 1 mistake? Excellent result!
Soon you'll be talking as if you grew up here =) Keep going!